Hours of Operation:  9:00—3:15


Library Information:

During library class and collaboration with classroom teachers students build information literacy skills, develop an appreciation of literature, pursue independent learning and become socially responsible users of information. The goal of the library is for students to become lifelong learners.

In addition, the library is an integral part of classroom instruction by providing teachers and students with resources to support the curriculum.

The Library plays an important role in promoting reading by giving students the chance to  explore subjects they find interesting outside of school requirements.

The Importance of Reading:

Children who read with a parent daily are making important steps to becoming readers themselves.

Please take time to read and talk about the book that your child brings home each week from the library.

The media specialist partners with your child’s classroom teacher to  assist with your child’s learning.

Circulation Information:

Students in grade 2 through 4 may borrow two books. Students in grade one may take out one book until the classroom teacher feels that the students are returning homework consistently and will be responsible for the library books. Kindergarten students may take out one book also. It is always up to the classroom  teacher whether the students are ready to bring the books home.

Students are always encouraged to come to the library and change their book if they have finished it and would like to borrow another title.

Students are encouraged to make selections based on their interests; however, one selection must be a “Just Right Book” which they can read on their own. They need to do the “Five Finger Test” to find their “just right book”.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to read with younger children who are not independent readers yet.

Students may renew books one time.

Returning Books:

Overdue Books:

If all books are not returned on the scheduled library day students are not allowed to borrow books that day. They may return their books the next day or at any time and get new books. If a student has one overdue book s/he may not get another book until the book is returned.

Lost or damaged books must be  paid for  or a replacement must be sent in. Students may make payments of $1.00 per week until the book is paid for. A notice is always sent home informing    parents or guardians if books are overdue and what the price is if  payment is necessary.

Book Care:

Please help us keep the library books in good condition by using the following guidelines with your child:

  • The best place for your child’s library book when it is not  being read is in his or her backpack.
  • Bookmarks should be used instead of folding down the pages, using other items such as pencils, to mark the page or placing an open book with the pages down.
  • Keep the library books away from food and drinks as well as pets and younger siblings.

Thank you for your help in keeping the library  collection in great shape!